Workshop: Travelling on the Railway
- Age:
- Number of Students:
- Up to 75
- Duration:
- 1 hour
- Number of adults:
- 3+
Taking inspiration from the book ‘Faster, Faster Little Red Train!’ By Benedict Blathwayt, we take a playful approach to exploring the station and taking the train.
We share the story together and then take part in a carousel of activities as smaller groups.
- Sequencing and story maps – what happened in the story? Can you remember what happens next?
- Role play buying a ticket, having a snack and getting to the correct platform, whilst exploring these areas of North Road Station.
- Exploring and finding key features on our old engines and carriages, dressing up and handling objects.
This workshop was developed with the early learning goals in mind.
School visits
School visits include a led workshop, time in North Road Station Museum and The Stores, and a visit to Wagon Woods adventure playground