
In booking tickets (free or paid) for entry into Hopetown Darlington you are entering into an agreement with Hopetown Darlington.

Admission tickets booked online are valid for redemption on the selected date. You must select the date of visit when making your booking. 

Site admission tickets will include entry to most, but not all, areas of the site. Visitors will be able to purchase additional tickets to obtain entry to other areas of the site, subject to availability.

Tickets purchased for Wagon Woods, Experiment! or for any other chargeable activity, event or exhibition will automatically include free entry. 

An Adult is a person aged 18+.

A Child is a person aged from 1 to 17 (inclusive).

Children under the age of 16 will not be admitted without an adult. Paid tickets purchased by a child may not be refundable.

All adults attending Wagon Woods must have at least one participating child in their party. 

You can access your ticketing account here.

No ticket may be resold without the prior written consent of Hopetown Darlington. If any person attempts to enter Hopetown Darlington with a ticket that has been resold without Hopetown Darlington’s written consent, Hopetown Darlington may refuse entry.

Hopetown Darlington will use its reasonable endeavours to be open and operational during published opening hours but reserves the right to close on any given day, whether for security or any other reason, without notice. In the event of such closure, any tickets issued for use only on the day of closure will be exchanged or refunded by Hopetown Darlington, but no further compensation will be paid.

From time-to-time Hopetown Darlington may issue Tickets under special promotions (“Promotional Tickets”). Promotional Tickets will be available subject to availability and subject to any terms and conditions affecting the particular promotion.

Essential companion / carer tickets and other concessions

A visitor who requires essential companions / carers to the paid-for elements at Hopetown Darlington will be able to accompany them free of charge.

Art Pass holders and Museum Association members will receive 50% discount on major exhibitions.

There are no other concessions.


Bookings can be amended up to 24 hours prior to your visit, subject to availability. 

In the event that we are forced to to close Wagon Woods, Experiment!, or an exhibition due to unforeseen circumstances or inclement weather, your ticket will be refunded. Tickets will also be refunded for events or activities which are cancelled. Tickets cannot otherwise be refunded after purchase. 

Visitors are reminded that from time-to-time parts of the site may be closed and certain exhibits may be removed for maintenance or for technical reasons. Tickets will not be refunded, and no compensation will be paid in the event of such closures or removals.

Hopetown Darlington cannot issue replacements for lost or stolen tickets and gift vouchers.

Cancellations and changes to events

For technical or operational reasons some facilities may be removed or closed, or entertainment cancelled and/or altered at any time. Hopetown Darlington reserves the right to change the programme of sites and entertainment if at any time it is deemed necessary or appropriate to do so. 

Wagon Woods

Wagon Woods is an unsupervised play area. All children must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times.

Tickets are valid for unlimited play during term-time weekdays, and for an hours play during weekends and school holidays. 

Hopetown Darlington does not accept any responsibility for any accidents in the play area.

The play area has been designed to cater for a mixed range of ages and abilities and contains elements of risk for all ages. Supervising adults should be comfortable that these risks are suitable for the abilities of their children before allowing them to play at Wagon Woods.

Please be respectful of other visitors and the environment. 

In the event of an emergency please contact a member of staff.

General Terms and Conditions

Ball Games

Children’s ball games are permitted on Foundry Green (away from listed building windows). No ball games are to take place in the Goods Yard or anywhere else on site. Please be mindful of other visitors.


Four-legged friends are welcome at Hopetown Darlington but must be kept on a lead at all times for the safety and comfort of visitors and staff. Dogs are welcome in the Goods Shed, Foundry Green and all outside areas except for Wagon Woods. Dogs are not permitted inside North Road Station Museum, the Carriage Works, or Darlington Locomotive Works. We ask dog owners to clean up after their pets.

Hopetown Darlington reserve the right to issue warnings and ultimately ask owners of out-of-control dogs to leave the premises.

Bikes and Scooters

Scooters (not e-scooters) and bikes for use by young children to get around the site are permitted in outside areas only. Hopetown Darlington is not liable for any injuries that may result from the use of bikes/scooters or damage sustained to bikes/scooters.


From time-to-time Hopetown Darlington or other authorised third parties may carry out photography or other recording at the site and any images or recordings may feature visitors. Visitors consent to the use of such images by Hopetown Darlington in connection with advertising, promotions or monitoring and acknowledge that the copyright in such images rests with Hopetown Darlington and/or any authorised third party.

Other Terms and Conditions

A variety of special effects (including sudden loud effects and strobe lighting) may be used in certain visitor areas. It is recommended that visitors with high blood pressure, heart conditions or other pre-existing medical conditions ask staff for further details and avoid areas of the site at which such special effects are used.

From time-to-time Hopetown Darlington staff may draw visitors’ attention to certain health and safety procedures to which visitors must adhere

Visitors are required to observe the following prohibitions while at Hopetown Darlington:

  • No smoking.
  • No weapons.
  • No access to any area of the site other than areas designated for access by visitors.
  • No unnecessary behaviour likely to annoy or offend other visitors or intimidate staff.
  • No use of illegal drugs.
  • No consumption of alcohol except in authorised places and in accordance with the Licensing Act 2003.
  • Only alcohol purchased on the premises can be consumed.

In the interests of safety, visitors may be asked to submit to a search of their person or belongings and anyone refusing to submit or found to be in possession of materials believed by Hopetown Darlington to be dangerous or unsuitable will be denied entry or removed from the site

Visitors must keep their personal belongings with them at all times and Hopetown Darlington accepts no responsibility for loss, theft or damage to any personal belongings brought into the site.

Abuse of any kind towards staff and other visitors is not tolerated. Hopetown Darlington reserves the right to refuse admission or eject or expel visitors in reasonable circumstances such as in the event of rowdy, rude, anti-social or threatening behaviour. This includes behaviour Hopetown Darlington considers likely to affect the safety or enjoyment of any other visitor or member of staff.

Visitors with any health conditions or severe allergies are entrusted to manage their own condition. Ingredients across our food and beverage offer will be clearly displayed where possible. We cannot guarantee that any food prepared in our café or kitchen has not come into contact with nuts or other allergens. Please speak to a member of the food and beverage team if you have any concerns.

Some imagery on the website or ticketing platforms may be for illustrative purposes only, and may not be a true reflection of the content of the activity/event.

We may change these terms and conditions from time to time. We recommend that you check for updates regularly. These terms and conditions were last reviewed on 14 May 2024.


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